NRHC Releases Fact Book on Georgia Single-Family Rental Home Market
Market share of single-family rental homes declines from previous levels
Washington, D.C. (February 10, 2023) – The National Rental Home Council (NRHC) today released a Fact Book on the Georgia Single-Family Rental Home Market, containing insights and information on the size and composition of the market, data trends, and economic drivers of the industry, both throughout the state and within the Atlanta metropolitan area.
Key data points in the Fact Book include:
- Single-family rental housing rent growth trailed both home price appreciation and multifamily rent growth through much of 2022 (slide 12)
- Georgia is suffering from a critical undersupply of housing, both within the Atlanta market and throughout the state (slides 14 – 16)
- Nearly 6,000 units of new single-family rental housing are currently under construction or in stages of development across the state (slide 17)
- The share of the statewide and Atlanta metro housing markets accounted for by single-family rental homes has declined from previous levels, following a similar nationwide trend (slide 9 – 10):
Access the Fact Book on the Georgia Single-Family Rental Home Market here.
About NRHC
The National Rental Home Council (NRHC) is the nonprofit trade association representing the single-family rental home industry. NRHC members provide families and individuals with access to high-quality, single-family rental homes that contribute to the vitality and vibrancy of neighborhoods and communities. For more information on NRHC or the single-family rental home industry visit
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