National Rental Home Council Statement of Opposition to California AB-2282

Today, the California State Assembly’s Committee on Banking and Finance passed Assembly Bill 2282, which would establish an onerous registration process for large-scale single-family rental home owners and prohibit them from bidding on new listings of homes for conventional sale for 15 days.
The National Rental Home Council (NRHC) is concerned about the impact AB-2282 could have on California communities, the housing market and the economy at large and strongly opposes this legislation. NRHC issued the following statement about the proposed bill:
“California residents deserve access to a broad range of rental housing options, including professionally managed single-family rental homes. Unfortunately, AB-2282 would have the opposite effect, imposing onerous new restrictions on large-scale providers of quality, professionally managed single-family rental homes that could dampen the market and limit the options available to residents in markets across the state.
“This misguided proposal would disrupt the efficiency of the California home real estate sales marketplace and ultimately disadvantage both home sellers and families looking to take advantage of this important housing option. By restricting our ability to serve the large and growing demand for rental homes, this bill will not just adversely impact the Single Family Rental industry, but ultimately the people of California.”